
Sustainability is crucial for the planet, agriculture, and the future of our business. We are convinced that caring for people and the environment also benefits business, especially in the long term


Our goal is to be the most sustainable player in our industry and inspire competitors and partners to follow our lead.


Sustainable priorities

Our goal is to be the most sustainable player in our industry, and we aim to inspire competitors and partners to follow our lead. We will achieve leadership with investments in sustainable farming, sustainable production, and sustainable transport. We also make significant investments in our local communities and promote responsible consumption.

sustainable priorities, infographic
Sustainable farmer


Sustainable farming

Viticulture is a complicated craft as the vine is sensitive to infestation by mildew and pests, which affects the quality of the grapes and the wine. Chemical pesticides provide effective results but can pose risks to employees, deplete biodiversity, and impact groundwater. Organic and sustainable winegrowers instead combat pests with the help of natural and biodegradable methods.


Sustainable production

We see decent working conditions as a prerequisite, and we impose strict requirements on our producers. We demand compliance with Amfori BSCIs Code of Conduct, maintain a continuous dialogue and carry out regular audits and site visits to ensure sustainable production and continuous improvements.

sustainable wine production
climate smart transports


Sustainable transports

 Sustainable transports and packaging are critical to us. Shipping, warehousing, and packaging have a major environmental impact and together with our partners we constantly strive to develop smart solutions and innovative projects. As member of the Beverage Industry’s Climate Initiative, we have already shifted most of our transports to rail and offer most of our wine in climate-smart packaging.


Sustainable local communities

We invest in local communities and prioritize partnerships that provide social benefits. In Argentina, Bulgaria, and South Africa, we are particularly committed to improving the conditions of workers, supporting socially vulnerable groups, and reducing environmental impact.


Responsible consumption

Wine is part of our mealtime culture and, for many, part of a balanced lifestyle. We are, however, aware that inappropriate alcohol consumption can cause problems, for individuals, relatives, and society at large. For this reason, we advocate moderate and responsible consumption.

Summary 2022

Sustainability report


Viva Wine Group
Blasieholmsgatan 4A
Stockholm, Sverige
+46 8 – 21 83 88

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