All producers need to ensure sustainable production and decent working conditions. We closely monitor status and progress through continuous dialogue, regular visits, and audits.
Implementing Amfori BSCI
helps ensure decent working
conditions on the vineyards.
Björn Wittmark. Giertz
Decent working conditions
We impose strict demands on our producers and farmers to ensure sustainable production. All workers shall have the right to reasonable working hours and appropriate pay. Discrimination is not accepted, and the health and safety of workers must be respected. All forms of child and forced labour are prohibited. We regularly carry out own site visits and engage audits by independent third parties.

Amfori BSCI
Amfori BSCI is an international framework securing sustainable production and decent working conditions. The framework is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO conventions and implementation is reviewed by independent third parties. At Viva Wine Group we put special attention to farming and production in Argentina, Chile, Italy and South Africa.
Acting on missconduct
We favour transparency and act on all indications of irregularities in the supply chain. We encourage employees, suppliers, agents, customers and other business partners to speak up on possible abuse. In cases where it is preferable to remain anonymous, we offer anonymous reporting in collaboration with Lantero whistleblowing.
NB! To ensure your anonymity when reporting a case, we recommend that you:
1. Use a computer outside Viva’s network when reporting, as web traffic from the workplace may be traceable.
2. Copy and paste the link below into your browser.
3. If you have a QR reader in your mobile, you can also scan the QR code below and go directly to the reporting page. Make sure your phone is not connected to your workplace’s wifi.
The reporting page can be found at:
It is also possible to report through external channels. The Ministry of Employment informs about which authorities are responsible for which area. For more information, see
Winery workers and vineyard farmers must have fair pay and appropriate employment contracts.

Everyone should be entitled to entitled to self-organization and negotiate their terms collectively.

Working hours must comply with legislation and international agreements. There must be opportunities for regular breaks.